Date: April 2023
Case: Marijuana in a Motor Vehicle, Underage Possession, and Possession of Paraphernalia
Attorney: Nicole Kettwick
Result: After being pulled over for being in a park after hours, Nicole’s client faced several drug and alcohol charges that could have resulted in him losing his driver’s license. With her client’s proactive steps, Nicole was able to negotiate a continuance for dismissal. This means her client’s charges will be dismissed after payment of a small fine and a year of no same or similar offenses. This allowed her client to avoid a conviction and avoid losing his driving privileges.
Date: August 2021
Case: 5th Degree Controlled Substance
Attorney: Mike Brandt
Result: Mike Brandt’s client was charged with a felony 5th Degree drug charge based upon a quantity of marijuana that was found in his client’s vehicle during a traffic stop. After reviewing the evidence, Mike filed a motion to dismiss the charges based upon illegal conduct by the police. Based upon this motion, the prosecutor agreed to amend the charge to one of a petty misdemeanor possession of a small amount of marijuana. Mike’s client paid a $50 fine and was not subject to probation or any other conditions.
Date: June 2021
Case: Fourth Degree DWI and Possession of Marijuana in a Motor Vehicle
Attorney: Michael J. Brandt
Result: Mike’s client was charged with Fourth Degree DWI, Careless Driving, Possession of Marijuana in a Motor Vehicle, and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia after being pulled over for speeding. A conviction on these charges would have caused Mike’s client to lose his license. Mike negotiated with the prosecutor and argued that field sobriety tests are not designed to test impairment of controlled substances and that the MN Bureau of Criminal Apprehension will concede that there is no correlation between any amount of THC in the blood and impairment. Mike negotiated a reduced charge of Careless Driving and Possession of Marijuana. His client was placed on probation for one year and as a result of Mike’s negotiation, his client will not lose his license.
Date: January, 2021
Case: Possession of Marijuana in a Motor Vehicle
Attorney: Mike Brandt
Result: Mike’s client faced charges of Marijuana in a Motor Vehicle. A conviction on this charge would have caused his client to lose his license, have a drug conviction, and be on probation. Thanks to Mike’s help, his client received what is called a continuance for dismissal. This means that Mike’s client must remain law abiding for one year and at which point the charge will be dismissed altogether. This avoided any sort of conviction or loss of license.
Date: May 2019
City/County: City of Fridley, Anoka County
Charges: Third Degree DWI, Open Bottle, Possession of Marijuana in Motor Vehicle
Result: Mike’s client got the Open Bottle and Possession charges dismissed and plead guilty to DWI. He received no jail time and one year unsupervised probation.
Nicole’s client was arrested following a car accident in the City of Blaine, Anoka County. He was arguing with a passenger in his car, and they grabbed the steering wheel and caused the car to crash into a sound barrier on the side of the highway. Nicole’s client was charged with two counts of gross misdemeanor Third-Degree Driving While Impaired...
Nicole’s client found himself facing two misdemeanors for possessing marijuana and marijuana drug paraphernalia. With a charge like this Nicole’s client was not only facing a criminal charge but also the possibility of losing his driving privileges. With Nicole’s hard work and dedication to the case she was able to negotiate a Stay of Adjudication on his charges. This meant...
Nicole’s client was facing an array of misdemeanors and petty misdemeanors after being pulled over for speeding in Isanti County. Because the misdemeanors were due to drug possession, Nicole’s client was potentially facing jail time and losing his driving privileges. Nicole and her client worked together to put together a packet of information for the prosecutor. After reviewing the documentation...
Mike’s client was charged with Possession of Marijuana in a Motor Vehicle when he was accosted in a parked car by a police officer. Mike’s client held a government job and a conviction for this charge would have jeopardized his career, caused him to lose his license, and would have permanently stained his record with a drug conviction. In preparing...
Mike Brandt’s client came to him after he had paid the ticket for Possession of Marijuana in a More Vehicle. Mike’s client did not realize that by paying the ticket, the charge would go on his driving record and would result in him losing his driving privileges. Mike’s client was a college student and losing his driving privileges within very...